This week I listened to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. It was quite relaxing to try to picture the visuals in my mind while listening to the podcast. It's a new experience for sure. I have listened to podcasts before but rarely so it was fun to adjust to the sounds. I liked that it was quite carefree and comical. We've been reading more serious stuff so it was refreshing especially the way the characters banter with each other. It sounds like managed chaos most of the time. It is also funny that in the first episode when the world is about to end they still seem to be very smart about it. I'm not exactly sure when this takes place since it was not clearly specified. It starts off where you think earth is normal but it keeps getting weirder. It is funny that Arthur us a human but his friend is an alien. It was slightly confusing because of the whimsical way they describe their drinks and Beetlejuice kept coming up but it was fun to try and understand. Trying to create the visuals of these descriptive words plus the sounds and music playing, really transports you away. Today with everything being so visual, it's a good change of pace to listen for once instead of just seeing with our eyes.


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